Diagnosis of Disease
So what is the diagnosis? Diagnosing Cholecystitis is determined by appropriate evaluation of lab values, family history, diet history, physical examination and imaging (ultrasound). One of the most common ways to diagnose the presents of Cholecystitis is using an ultrasound of the abdomen to view whether there is a blockage or the presence of gallstones in the gallbladder. This can also show the thickening of the gallbladder wall indicating inflammation. However, on occasion, the presence of gallstones and the thickened wall of the gallbladder may not be diagnosed. Other tests used for the diagnosis of cholelithiasis and cholecystitis are: Hepatobiliary scintigraphy or cholescintigraphy by hydroxyiminodiacetic acid (HIDA). This scans and determines the functional assessment of gallbladder excretion, determining if cholecystitis is present. Another test used is a CT scan, magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRCA), and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) are useful for specific cases.
Copstead-Kirkhorn, Lee-Ellen, Jacquelyn Banasik. Pathophysiology, 5th Edition. W.B. Saunders Company, 2014. VitalBook file.